Act of War is a military science fiction series created by Dale Brown. The series includes two novels written by Dale Brown, and two real-time strategy video games which are developed by Eugen Systems: Act of War: Direct Action and its expansion pack, Act of War: High Treason.
The series focuses on a semi-futuristic direct action team, known as the Task Force Talon.
A spiritual successor titled Act of Aggression was announced by Focus Home Interactive and was developed by Eugen Systems. The game was released on September 9, 2015.
Relationship to Wargame[]
In the Fatal Error campaign DLC for Wargame: European Escalation, a Task Force Talon serves as the main playable unit, like the Task Force Talon of Act of War, it also focuses on fast and rapid response to enemy actions, although in this case with Cold War era technology rather than the semi-futuristic TFT from Act of War.
List of Act of War media[]
- Eugen Systems (2005-2006)
- Act of War: Direct Action (2005)
- Act of War: High Treason (2006)
- Act of War: Direct Action (2005)
- Atari (2005-2011)
- Act of War: Urban Defense (2011)
- Dale Brown (2006)
- Act of War (2005)
- Edge of Battle (2006)
External links[]