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Available to PACT forces, the BM-27 Uragan is a self-propelled multiple rocket launcher system designed in the Soviet Union.


The BM-27 Uragan is, effectively, an up-gunned BM-21 Grad. Armed with a barrage's worth of 220-millimetre rockets, it fires them off quickly and rather inaccurately over a wide area (though it's much more accurate than the Grad). The inaccuracy of its rockets is considered by many to be its biggest downside, making it horrendously bad at counter-battery operations and precise fire missions that artillery like the 2S7M Malka and 2S19 MSTA-S are infinitely better suited for. Its long reload time also makes it unsuited for on-the-fly artillery support, a niche filled by mortars such as the 2S9 Nona.

Where the Uragan is at its absolute deadliest is when being used against large groups of units. Towns often contain large numbers of infantry, and the AI has a habit of clumping company-sized groupings together for use in defence - to give but two examples. Bear in mind that each rocket packs a bigger wallop than even the mighty Malka's tank-smashing shell; even when blind-firing at such targets as enemy land lanes and well-fortified towns, you're bound to hit something, and the blast will almost certainly write off anything softer than an M2A2 Bradley IFV. Get some recon with eyes on a cluster of defending units, and a shot-corrected barrage will rack up a hefty point bounty in no time.

When playing against other humans, however, do remember to move your Uragan just after firing. Rocket smoke is highly visible and MRL warranty does not cover M270 ATACMS-related accidents.


The Soviet Union relied heavily on the inherent firepower of "rocket projectors" throughout World War 2 (through their heavy use of "Katyusha" systems) in staving off defeat at the hands of Hitler's Germany and inevitably carried this tactical doctrine into the Cold War years against the West.

Rocket projectors held the uncanny ability to provide area suppression while delivering powerful psychological effects on enemy troops unlucky enough to be found within its "reach". Such rocket systems could saturate a target area ahead of the main advancing force made up of combat tanks, armored vehicles and infantry elements.

The BM-27 Uragan began its service with the Soviet Army in the late 1970s, as its first modern spin and fin stabilized heavy multiple rocket launcher. This system is capable of launching 220 mm rockets from 16 launch tubes mounted on the rear of a ZIL-135 8x8 chassis. This vehicle is extremely similar to that used in the FROG-7 free flight rocket system.


Red Dragon[]

Weapons WRD Icon 9M27F
Type MLRS No Weapon No Weapon
Name 9M27F
Caliber 220mm
Ammo x 16
Range Ground = 35000 m
Helicopters = N/A m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Accuracy 4550 m
AP Power N/A
HE Power 11
Suppression 442
Rate of fire 4 r/min


See also[]
