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BMP-1   BMP-1 Obr. 1970   BMP-1P   BMP-1D    


The BMP-1D is an infantry fighting vehicle for the Soviet Union in the Wargame series, it was first introduced in Wargame: European Escalation.


BMP-1D is a modernized BMP-1 built in 1982 for Soviet assault battalions serving in Afghanistan. It is often known as the "Afghan" variant. Additional Armor was added to sides of the hull and suspension along armor to the driver and commander seats. The 9S428 ATGM launcher was replaced by an AGS-17 "Plamya" automatic grenade launcher.


European Escalation[]

The BMP-1D is the last option of the BMP-1 lineup, which will additionally require the unlock of BMP-1 Obr. 1970 and BMP-1P to unlock it, and player will need 4 Command stars in total to use it.

Although it is the last variant, BMP-1D is not the most advanced BMP-1, costing 25 points, while BMP-1P costs 35 points. This is because BMP-1D differs from its predecessor in terms of character, replacing ATGM with a grenade launcher, resulting a great firepower advantage against infantry, but lost the ability to fight tanks.


European Escalation[]

Weapons WEE icon AGS-17 WEE icon 2A28
Type Grenade Launcher Main Gun No Weapon
Name AGS-17 2A28 Grom
Caliber Fragmentation 73mm
Ammo x 45 rounds x 25 rounds
Range Ground = 1750 m
Helicopters = N/A m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Ground = 1925 m
Helicopters = N/A m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Accuracy 2 4
AP Power 0 4
HE Power 1 2
Rate of fire 50 r/min 7 r/min

AirLand Battle[]

Weapons WAB Icon AGS-17 WAB Icon 2A28 Grom
Type Grenade Launcher Main Gun No Weapon
Name AGS-17 2A28 Grom
Caliber 30mm Frag [AoE] 73mm HEAT
[HEAT] [AoE]
Ammo x 45 x 25
Range Ground = 1225 m
Helicopters = 525 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Ground = 1575 m
Helicopters = N/A m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Accuracy 3 5
AP Power 0 12
HE Power 1 2
Suppression 75 84
Rate of fire 53 r/min 10 r/min

Red Dragon[]

Weapons WRD Icon AGS-17 WRD Icon 2A2B Grom
Type Gernade Launcher Main Gun No Weapon
Name AGS-17 2A28 Grom
Caliber 30mm Frag [AoE] 73mm HEAT
[HEAT] [AoE]
Ammo x 240 x 40
Range Ground = 1225 m
Helicopters = N/A m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Ground = 1575 m
Helicopters = N/A m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Accuracy 15% 35%
Stabilizer 10% 5%
AP Power N/A 12
HE Power 2 2
Suppression 70 84
Rate of fire 126 r/min 9 r/min


See also[]
