Wargame Wiki

The BTR-152 TCM is an Israeli Anti-Aircraft Artillery that appears in Nation Pack: Israel DLC of Wargame: Red Dragon.


During the 1967 and 1973 wars against Egypt and Syria, Israeli was able to capture many BTR-152. However the specific numbers is controversial, and there are even claims of only 34 vehicles. No matter what, the quantity can be no more than Zachlam.

The TCM-20 was a Israeli anti-aircraft gun based on the American M55. TCM replaced the four M2 Browning MGs with two 20mm HS.404 autocannon taken from obsolete Dassault M.D.450 Ouragan. Some TCM were mounted on vehicles like the American M3 and captured BTR-152. BTR-152 TCM served between 1969-1972. These system were replaced by Hovet with some TCM mounted on M3 and towed version serving up to the 90s.[1][2]


Such an outdated vehicle should not be expected to actually shoot down any aircraft, but it is still capable of suppressing infantry. However, as the BTR-152 TCM belongs to the Support slot, it is not worth occupying a position for it and thus rare in multiplayer. For 1v1 or specialized decks, it is still worth considering.


Weapons WRD Icon TCM 20
Type Twin Autocannon No Weapon No Weapon
Name TCM 20
Caliber 20mm [AoE] [STAT]
Ammo x 600
Range Ground = 1050 m
Helicopters = 2450 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = 1750 m
Accuracy 25%
AP Power N/A
HE Power 1
Suppression 80
Rate of fire 913 r/min

