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BWR-1D is a Polish Armored Recon that appears in Wargame: Red Dragon


BWR-1D is the Polish designation for the Soviet Union's BRM-1. New Reconnaissance equipment like laser range finders and night vision was created in 1960s so the Soviet Union used the BMP-1 frame to created the BRM-1.

The first 22 units entered Polish service in 1987. In the Polish army these were used in the reconnaissance battalions of the Mechanized and Armored Divisions.


Red Dragon[]

Weapons WRD Icon 2A28 Grom
Type Main Gun No Weapon No Weapon
Name 2A28 Grom
Caliber [HEAT] [AoE]
73mm HEAT
Ammo x 20
Range Ground = 1575 m
Helicopters = N/A m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Accuracy 35%
Stabilizer 5%
AP Power 12
HE Power 2
Suppression 84
Rate of fire 9 r/min