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The Casspir Mk.2 is a South African Armored Personnel Carrier that appears in Wargame Red Dragon as part of the South African DLC.


Casspir was an anagram from South African Police the primary customer and the design authority, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. These were used in the Border war by South-West Africa Territorial Force's 101 Battalion and the SA Army's 5 Reconnaissance Regiment along with "Koevoet" Police counterinsurgency unit. Casspir Mk.2 was produced in 1981–1986 with a better 120 hp engine.


Weapons Twin M1919
Type MMG No Weapon No Weapon
Name Twin M1919
Caliber 7.62mm
Ammo x 4000
Range Ground = 875 m
Helicopters = 525 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Accuracy 20
Stabilizer 5
AP Power N/A
HE Power 0.5
Suppression 55
Rate of fire 1034 r/min