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The Centurion Mk.5 is a Canadian Main Battle Tank that first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle.


The Centurion Mk.5 is an upgrade version of Centurion Mk.3 with various improvements. The original 7.92mm BESA coaxical MG was replaced with one 7.62mm L3 (M1919A4) and one 12.7mm L6A1 (M2HB). The Commander also have auxiliary controls for the main gun.

NATO asked Canada to provide a squadron during the Korean War so the Korean Squadron was drawn from the Strathcona Squadron and given the identity “C”. The new NATO squadron was renamed the Royal Canadian Dragoons but kept the “C” squadron identity. Canada provided a tank squadron for NATO from late 1951 to mid 1957. This squadron was equipped with the Centurion tank that had been upgraded to a Mk. 5 with the 20 pounder gun. The Centurion was in use from 1952 until the late 1970s when it was replaced by the Leopard 1. The RCD C Sqn was based at Werl, Germany until it was upgraded to a regiment. Several moves took place until 1970 when they finally settled in Lahr, Germany. Four armored RCAC regiments were Centurion Mk.5 these were Royal Canadian Dragoons, 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise’s) and the Fort Garry Horse and Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians) .


Airland Battle[]

Weapons WAB Icon QF 20-pdr WAB Icon L37
Type Main Gun MMG No Weapon
Name QF 20-pdr L37
Caliber 84mm [KE] [AoE] 7.62mm
Ammo x 45 x 600
Range Ground = 1925 m
Helicopters = N/A m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Ground = 875 m
Helicopters = 525 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Accuracy 5 4
AP Power 8 N/A
HE Power 3 .5
Suppression 97 55
Rate of fire 6 r/min 300 r/min

Red Dragon[]

Weapons WRD Icon QF 20-pdr WRD Icon M2 Browning
Type Main Gun MMG No Weapon
Name QF 20-pdr M2 Browning
Caliber 84mm [KE] [AoE] 12.7mm
Ammo x 41 x 600
Range Ground = 1925 m
Helicopters = N/A m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Ground = 1050 m
Helicopters = 875 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Accuracy 40% 15%
Stabilizer 10% 5%
AP Power 8 N/A
HE Power 3 .75
Suppression 97 90
Rate of fire 8 r/min 652 r/min

See also[]
