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F-16A Block 5   F-16A Block 15   F-16A MLU    


The F-16A Block 15 is a prototype air superiority fighter for Denmark that was introduced in the Vox Populi DLC for Wargame: AirLand Battle.


The F-16A Block 15 is a single-engine, single seat supersonic multirole fighter developed by General Dynamics for the United States Air Force under the Lightweight Fighter Program. The Block 15 introduced large horizontal stabilizers with a 30% increase in surface area, two hardpoints added to the chin inlet, an improved Westinghouse APG-66(V)2 radar, and increased capacity for its under-wing hardpoints. Some 983 of the type were produced over a 14-year timespan. Royal Danish Air Force ordered 24 F-16A Block 15. F-16 served in four squadrons Esk 723 " Horntail, Esk 726 " Phantom", Esk 727 " Craven" and Esk 730 " Birdsong",


AirLand Battle[]

The F-16A Block 15 is a moderately priced air superiority fighter available to Denmark decks. It carries a pair for AIM-9M Sidewinder missiles, a pair of AIM-7M Sparrow missiles and an internal 20mm M61A1 Vulcan cannon. The Block 15 a good mix of weapons for its cost, able to engage enemy fighters and bombers at long range with the AIM-7M, and to effectively engage enemy helicopters with its accurate AIM-9M and Vulcan cannon. The major drawbacks of the Block 15 are its poor ECM and small missile compliment. Its poor ECM leaves the F-16A Block 15 vulnerable to long range SAMs and AAMs. Although the type carries both long and short range missiles, it only carries two of each, making it difficult to sustain air combat with more expensive threat fighters.

Red Dragon[]

The F-16A Block 15 in Wargame: Red Dragon is a moderately priced air superiority fighter available to Denmark and BLUFOR decks. It carries the same loadout as in AirLand Battle, but has seen improvement to its ECM (30%). Its advantages and drawbacks are largely the same as in AirLand Battle, though the type is now much more survivable against long range SAMs and AAMs.


AirLand Battle[]

Weapons WAB Icon M61A1 Vulcan WAB Icon AIM-9M WAB Icon AIM-7M Sparrow
Type Gatling Gun AAM AAM
Name M61A1 Vulcan AIM-9M Sidewinder AIM-7M Sparrow
Caliber 20mm IR, F&F AoE, SA
Ammo x 940 x 2 x 2
Range Ground = 2100 m
Helicopters = 1400 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = 2800 m
Ground = N/A m
Helicopters = 1750 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = 3500 m
Ground = N/A m
Helicopters = N/A m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = 6300 m
Accuracy 8 12 10
AP Power 0 0 0
HE Power 1 5 6
Suppression 92 200 240
Rate of fire 4028 r/min 30 r/min 30 r/min

Red Dragon[]

Weapons WRD Icon M61A1 Vulcan WRD Icon AIM-9M WRD Icon AIM-7M
Type Gatling Gun AAM AAM
Name M61A1 Vulcan AIM-9M Sidewinder AIM-7M Sparrow
Caliber 20mm Infrared AoE F&F SemAct Radar AoE, SA
Ammo x 940 x 2 x 2
Range Ground = 2100 m
Helicopters = 1575 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = 2800 m
Ground = N/A m
Helicopters = 2100 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = 4200 m
Ground = N/A m
Helicopters = N/A m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = 7700 m
Accuracy 40% 60% 50%
Stabilizer 40% 60% 50%
AP Power N/A N/A N/A
HE Power 1 5 6
Suppression 92 200 240
Rate of fire 4028 r/min 2 s r/min 2 s r/min


See also[]
