Wargame Wiki

Fla-MG SPW-152E is a East German Fire Support Vehicle that appears in Wargame: AirLand Battle.


In 1956, ZPTU-2 were mounted into SPW-152E for use in the Motorisierte Schützen Battalion Air Defense Platoon and the Motorisierte Schützen regiment air defense battery. These were replaced by ZU-23 during the late 1960 and 1970s. Motorisierte Schützen Battalion Air Defense Platoon had originally AA machine gun platoon with 2 AA machine guns DSchK. These were replaced by MANPADs placed either at battalion level or scattered among their lower formations.

SPW-152E also served in various air defense units like the lead vehicle for Fla-MG Battery along serving as a reconnaissance platoon leader for the air defense regiment during the mid 1960s.


Airland Battle[]

Weapons WAB Icon ZPTU-2
Type MMG No Weapon No Weapon
Name ZPTU-2
Caliber 14.5mm KE STAT
Ammo x 2400
Range Ground = 1050 m
Helicopters = 1400 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Accuracy 2
AP Power 1
HE Power 1
Suppression 102
Rate of fire 705 r/min

Red Dragon[]

Weapons WRD Icon ZPTU-2
Type MMG No Weapon No Weapon
Name ZPTU-2
Caliber 14.5mm
Ammo x 1920
Range Ground = 1400 m
Helicopters = 1750 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Accuracy 10%
Stabilizer 5%
AP Power 1
HE Power 1
Suppression 110
Rate of fire 510 r/min