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KRK Rubezh is a East German Anti-Ship Missile Launcher that appears in The Millionth Mile DLC of Wargame: Red Dragon.


In the early 1980 Volksmarine created the Küstenraketenregiments 18 which used Rubezh in the defense of the Baltic Sea against NATO vessels. Rubezh was the land base mobile launcher of the P-15 Termit Anti-ship missile.


Weapons WRD Icon P-15 Termit
Type SSM No Weapon No Weapon
Name P-15 Termit
Caliber Radar [HEAT], [F&F], [STAT], [SHIP]
Ammo x 2
Range Ground = 4900 m
Helicopters = N/A m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Accuracy 40%
AP Power 160
HE Power 8
Rate of fire 20 s r/min