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KV-107 is a Japanese Transport Helicopter that appears in Wargame: Red Dragon.


Kawasaki created a KV-107/IIA equipped with a uprated CT58-140-1 or CT58-IHI-140-1 turboshafts. 18 "KV-107/IIA-4" were sold to the JGSDF.


The KV-107 is a Japanese helicopter transport option, playing a similar role to the American CH-46 Sea Knight -- a tougher, faster alternative to the UH-1H. Like the Sea Knight, the KV-107 confers an availability malus on some of the units that can be bought in it -- namely Hudou-ren. The availability of JSDF Rangers and Kutei 90 are not affected.

Compared to the UH-1H, the KV-107 is faster and has greater health: the KV-107 has six health points, as opposed to the UH-1H's four. These traits make it better for rapid insertion, and give it a level of survivability over the UH-1H, which most REDFOR anti-air missiles will kill with a single round. However, it is somewhat more expensive, at 20 deployment points versus 15. Like most other helicopter transports, the KV-107's usefulness after dropping off infantry is dubious, as most anti-air will destroy it with little effort, and while the minigun is powerful against soft targets, the range at which it needs close to in order to be effective is close enough that infantry might be able to engage it with their SAW, which would also be lethal to the helicopter.


Weapons WRD Icon M134 Minigun
Type Gatling Gun No Weapon No Weapon
Name M134 Minigun
Caliber 7.62mm
Ammo x 3200
Range Ground = 1050 m
Helicopters = 1050 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Accuracy 20%
Stabilizer 10%
AP Power N/A
HE Power 1
Suppression 36
Rate of fire 1052 r/min