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The M41 is a Danish Recon Tank that introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle. It was referred as M41A1 in Wargame: Red Dragon.


The M41 Bulldog, later renamed M41 Walker Bulldog after the death of general Walker in Korea, was a light tank developed by the US Army to replace the M24 Chaffee. It entered service in 1951, completely replacing the Chaffee in 1953. Although it saw very limited combat in Korea, it’s real test under fire came during the Vietnam War, mostly in the hands of South Vietnamese troops which fielded great numbers of them. It proved a reliable and efficient tanks, its 76mm guns scoring victories against the few T-54 & PT-76 the North Vietnamese could throw at them. Exported to many allied countries, 53 M41s found its way to the Danish Army in 1962 through American MDAP to replace M24 Chaffee and the M10 Achilles. M41 remained in service there for almost forty years as a recon tank.

Denmark used their M41 in their tank section with two M41 in their reconnaissance platoons supporting the scout squad. This reconnaissance platoon was based on the older American cavalry platoons which had multiple various type vehicles.

Bornholms Værn's Battle Group has Light Tank Squadron, "Bornholm Dragoons" equipped with M41.


Weapons WRD Icon M32 WRD Icon M2 Browning
Type Main Gun MMG No Weapon
Name M32 M2 Browning
Caliber 76mm
[KE] [AoE]
Ammo x 38 x 900
Range Ground = 1750 m
Helicopters = N/A m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Ground = 1050 m
Helicopters = 875 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Accuracy 40% 15%
Stabilizer 10% 5%
AP Power 8 N/A
HE Power 2 .75
Suppression 88 90
Rate of fire 8 r/min 652 r/min


See also[]
