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The Makmat is a Israeli Mortar Carrier that appears in Nation Pack: Israel DLC of Wargame: Red Dragon.


Due to the need for more mortar fire support then half track carrying mortars, IDF proposed a project that would lead Soltam Systems M-66 160 mounted on a modified Sherman hull. These Sherman replaced their turret and upper hull for a tall welded steel superstructure to carry a licensed built d Soltam Systems M-66 mortar. These entered served after Six-Day War.


Even by the standards of heavy artillery, let alone mortars, the Makmat is a force to be reckoned with. Bringing 160 millimetres of high-explosive pain to the battlefield, the Soltam M-66 is the single most powerful mortar in Wargame, making the Makmat the deadliest mortar carrier by sheer power as well as that with the longest range. Only the Finnish TelaKrH 66, which uses the same mortar, matches it in this field. If its shell hits its mark, it will demolish pretty much anything smaller than a main battle tank in one shot.

But the game lies within if. Absent accuracy correction, the Makmat makes an Imperial stormtrooper look like a crack shot, and even with a corrected shot it will routinely miss single targets by a wide margin. For this reason, the Makmat is absolutely terrible at counter-battery operations (use the far more accurate Doher or Sholef for this purpose instead). Its laggard fire rate, especially compared to the quick-firing Laish, furthermore makes it poorly suited for smoking out a defensive line before an assault. Where the Makmat excels is when it is used against clusters of enemies and/or FOBs. A quad-stack of Makmats all firing in unison will atomise large groups with deadlier effect than top-tier long-range artillery at half the price - for the sake of comparison, a battery of Doher will set you back 520 points at full strength, compared to 240 for the Makmat.


Weapons WRD Icon M-66
Type Mortar No Weapon No Weapon
Name M-66
Caliber 160mm AoE CORR STAT SMK
Ammo x 42
Range Ground = 9100 m
Helicopters = N/A m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Accuracy 3868 m
AP Power N/A
HE Power 6
Suppression 345
Rate of fire 7 r/min

