The OH-1 Ninja is a stealth recon helicopter for Japan that appears in Wargame: Red Dragon.
OH-1 Ninja came from a requirement for a new scout/observation helicopter to replace its Kawasaki license-built OH-6Ds during the late 1980s. Proposals were summitted from Kawasaki, Fuji and Mitsubishi and on 18 September 1992 Kawasaki's design was selected as the winner.
Maiden flight of the one of prototype OH-1 was 6 August 1996 and the first four prototype OH-1 entering service testing from June to August 1997.
Production began in 1998 but with defense budget cuts procurement of OH-1 is slow with 34 made. These were used in the headquarters squadron of the Anti-tank Helicopter Squadron and one of the Area Helicopter Squadron/
The OH-1 Ninja is a recon helicopter available to Japan and the Blue Dragons. Armed with four Type 91 anti-air missiles, it is the sole anti-air helicopter available to the Blue Dragons coalition. While it is lacking any air-to-ground armament, the Ninja can be effectively used in tandem with a gunship such as the AH-1S to spot and deal with ground threats. Its good stealth and the decent range of its missiles, which fire at 70% accuracy and stabilizer, makes it excellent as an ambush helicopter, capable of remaining undetected while an enemy helicopter approaches, and giving it some level of protection against enemy anti-air helicopters. With a speed of 280km/h, it can also be used as a rapid helicopter interceptor, able to deal with flanking attempts.
However, it has a very low availability, high cost, and fairly few missiles, making it difficult to use as in a dedicated anti-helicopter role. Additionally, its missiles have a shorter range than the Igla missiles that most REDFOR anti-air helicopters are armed with, and a minimum of two missiles are required to shoot down most REDFOR helicopters, which will quickly deplete the Ninja's already small complement of missiles. Frequent rearming at FOBs or from supply vehicles will be necessary to keep this unit combat-ready.
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