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Otomatic is a prototype Danish Anti-Aircraft Artillery vehicle that appears in the Norse Dragons DLC for Wargame: Red Dragon.


Otomatic is a one of a kind unit capable of engaging any type of unit in the game. The 76mm cannon can quickly destroy helicopters, infantry units, vehicles, jets, tank and even the mighty T72BU can be killed when fired at the side or rear armor. The only drawback of this vehicle is its low availability and the restriction to national and coalition decks.


Weapons WRD Icon OTO Melara 76
Type Naval Gun No Weapon No Weapon
Name OTO Melara 76
Caliber 76mm AoE RAD STAT KE
Ammo x 72
Range Ground = 2100 m
Helicopters = 2975 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = 2875 m
Accuracy 55%
AP Power 12
HE Power 3
Suppression 304
Rate of fire 60 r/min

See also[]
