The Ratel 90 FSV is a Fire Support vehicle available in Wargame Red Dragon as part of the South Africa DLC.
Ratel 90 has the same turret equipped with 90mm Denel GT-2 cannon as the Eland 90. These were used in Armored Car Squadron of Mechanized battlegroup replacing Eland Armored Cars and being replaced by Rooikat. Ratel 90 also served in the Anti-tank platoon along with Ratel ZT3-A1 in the Mechanized battlegroups. Ratel 90 had the capability to carry either extra ammo or infantry section.
32 Battalion in their larger forms has anti-tank squadron with two anti-tank troops equipped with Ratel 90.
Ratel 90 could handle T-34 but with fighting more modern armor had to fire at point blank range at vulnerable points to take modern tanks out. So Ratel ZT3-A1 was designed to serve in the anti-tank role.