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Shahak (Skies) is Israeli Air Superiority Fighter that appears in Nation Pack: Israel DLC of Wargame: Red Dragon.


Israel initial ordered ordered 24 Mirage IIICJ in 1959 with the order expanded to 72 Mirages in 1961. 101st "first fighter" squadron was the first squadron to get Mirage IIICJ in April 7th 1962. 117th "first jet" squadron at Ramat-David got theirs in June 1962. 119th "Atalef" (Bat) squadron at Tel-Nof was the third in March 1964. These Mirage IIICJ removed takeoff rocket installed in French Mirages for more fuel tanks. Shahak was the first Israeli Aircraft to have AAM capability, Mirage IIICJ left service in 1982.


Weapons WRD Icon Twin DEFA 550 WRD Icon Shafrir 2
Type Autocannon AAM No Weapon
Name Twin DEFA 550 Shafrir 2
Caliber 30mm AoE Infrared AoE F&F
Ammo x 250 x 2
Range Ground = 2100 m
Helicopters = 1575 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = 2100 m
Ground = N/A m
Helicopters = 2100 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = 3500 m
Accuracy 40% 40%
Stabilizer 40% 40%
AP Power N/A N/A
HE Power 1 4
Suppression 60 160
Rate of fire 1071 r/min 2 s r/min