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Available to NATO forces, the Spähpanzer Luchs (German: Lynx) is a West German 8x8 amphibious reconnaissance armored recon vehicle which introduced in Wargame: European Escalation.


Spähpanzer Luchs serviced the Bundswehr since 1976, who used a total of 408 in their battalions. It was developed by Daimler-Benz between 1968 and 1975, replacing the M41 and the Schützenpanzer SPz 11-2 Kurz.

Divisional Panzeraufklärungsbataillon in Heeresstruktur 3 had two tank reconnaissance companies each having 2 light scouting platoons equipped with 8 Luchs. Heeresstruktur 4 organization of divisional Panzeraufklärungsbataillon had the 4th mixed tank reconnaissance company with a light scouting platoon with 8 Luchs along with the peace time control of three brigade scout platoon Brigadespähzug of 8 Luchs.


European Escalation[]

A fast unit, the SpPz Luchs is a good recon vehicle choice. It shares many characteristics with the French ERC 90 Sagaie in terms of mobility and recon abilities. Yet, with an armor rated 1/1/0/0, it is still lightly armored but better protected on its flanks.

  • High speed. While slightly inferior to the ERC-90 Sagaie it is the second fastest vehicle of its category.
  • Good Operational range with low fuel consumption.
  • Side armour.
  • Good optics.


European Escalation[]

Weapons RH 202 Mg-3
Type Autocannon MMG No Weapon
Name Rh 202 MG-3
Caliber 20mm 7.62mm
Ammo x 640 rounds x 2000 rounds
Range Ground = 1575 m
Helicopters = N/A m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Ground = 875 m
Helicopters = N/A m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Accuracy 3 6
AP Power 1 0
HE Power 1 1
Rate of fire 300 r/min 1090 r/min

AirLand Battle[]

Weapons WAB Icon Rh 202 WAB Icon MG3
Type Autocannon MMG No Weapon
Name Rh 202 MG3
Caliber 20mm [KE] [AoE] 7.62mm
Ammo x 640 x 2000
Range Ground = 1575 m
Helicopters = 1575 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Ground = 875 m
Helicopters = 525 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Accuracy 3 6
AP Power 2 N/A
HE Power 1 .5
Suppression 46 55
Rate of fire 300 r/min 1090 r/min

Red Dragon[]

Weapons WRD Icon Rh 202 WRD Icon MG3
Type Autocannon MMG No Weapon
Name RH 202 MG3
Caliber 20mm [KE] [AoE] 7.62mm
Ammo x 630 x 1000
Range Ground = 1575 m
Helicopters = 1575 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Ground = 875 m
Helicopters = 525 m
This was first introduced in Wargame: AirLand Battle Airplanes = N/A m
Accuracy 20% 30%
Stabilizer 10% 20%
AP Power 2 N/A
HE Power 1 .5
Suppression 40 55
Rate of fire 749 r/min 652 r/min


See also[]
